I had a very nice day today. I hope that all of you reading my post did as well. I reminded myself ever so often that the celebration of this day is not all about the gifts, the food, or even the gathering of family and friends however wonderful they all might be. It is all about the celebration of a child being born over 2000 years ago. A child whose name was Jesus. I have much to thank God for every day. But the most important one is that He has forgiven me of my sin and is my friend on a day to day basis. And it is all because a child was born in a manger so long ago who grew up to pay my debt.
And yet, we still love to give and receive gifts. We draw names with our children and their spouses now to be a more thrifty in our celebration. And my husband and I ended up with both our daughter and daughter-in-law. I would have said "both our daughters" but then those who know me would have said "What..?" My husband built a very nice wall shelf unit with a towel rack underneath for my daughter in law to put in her bathroom. (My idea... I noticed that she needed one.) I think she was happy with that. I wish I had taken a picture before she left. But I didn't think. My other daughter received a collage of portraits I had made of her little girl Lillianna. I was very pleased at how it turned out and now that she has it in her possession and it need not be a secret I can post a picture of it here. It is at the top.
I started out with photos that I scanned in and then spent hours editing in pnotoshop. I did NOT use any 'sketch' filter which is what people have been thinking. There is no way one of the filters will do this. I used a different technique to get it to a stage where I then printed it out onto watercolor paper and then used pencils to finish it by hand. She was pleased with it. I scanned the finished product in and have already printed another one of the completed sketch out for myself.
I had great fun making Christmas ornaments this year and plan to continue doing so all through the year next year.
Merry Christmas!