I've not posted in a long while. I had been busy with music, a new etsy store, and CD editing so my blogs went to the side for a while. And then, last July I had a serious car accident. I was hit head on by someone who was asleep at the wheel. I was not a pretty sight. I received fractures to the left side of my face, a huge hemotoma to my arm and immediate damage to both eyes due to the impact to my face and the shaking effect. I was hit head on at 60 miles per hour and then hit behind as well.
Although my face and arm still hurt, the worst is the damage to my eyes. However, I can still see, although blurry and fragmented most times. And since you are not here to hear about my injuries let me put a little eye candy up with things that I had made before the accident.
I even painted little hearts on their chest with the names of the girls under them. I need to make them more clothes for their girls so they can play dress up. Maybe soon.
Although my face and arm still hurt, the worst is the damage to my eyes. However, I can still see, although blurry and fragmented most times. And since you are not here to hear about my injuries let me put a little eye candy up with things that I had made before the accident.
Me and another lady organized a "Dolly Tea Party" at the local pubic library for children and their dolls They allowed me to 'dress' the window box for advertisement as well as make large posters I adhered to foam core board to place around the library. The window case had sweet antique, vintage and modern dolls along with books about dolls and tea parties.
The tea party was a great success. We had over 25 attendees plus their parent. Our UFDC doll club donated so many door prizes that every child received a door prize. It was a smashing success and the librarians asked when we could do it again. It was a LOT of hard work. We purchased and prepared all the food, decorations and table favors ourselves. So we did not intend to do it for another year. But my issues with the accident and other things has put it off another year.
I also made another doll that was sent to the UFDC convention as a helper. My friend Cheryl Phillips who also helped with the tea party made her a large box for a trunk that opens into a play room. We added a rocking chair, a bed, clothes, quilts, toys, books, so many things. This is a picture of the doll before she had shoes.
And this is a picture of her with some of her goodies.
Later (but still before the accident) I made two sweet twin dolls for two sweet twin girls at my church. I used my own pattern design "Lacey" which you can find in my etsy store Pollywoggle Lane.. or on my website Pollywoggle Lane. It came out really sweet. I think I made it just a little bigger than the pattern. I even made their shoes, which those of you who know me know that I love to make shoes but rarely get the chance to do it.